Sunday, September 19, 2010

I Really Loved My Baby Peanut

Such a short little visit and I knew from the start you stole my heart. You brought with you the biggest gift, reminding me just how much love and joy lives within me always thank you for bringing it to the surface again. The 31/2 weeks I've known you were with us brought so many smiles on everyone's faces and joy to fill their hearts, that's the little touch everyone needs to realize lives within them...My job is not over I have to keep that spark I know lives within all of us strong, glowing and growing! That I will do in honor of You. I will keep the Gift of Gratitude present always even through this I am grateful it ended with nothing worse happening in the end to you, myself or the family. For this I am very thankful I remain healthy and strong for my family. You helped make each of our hearts grow that much more what a blessing. Sure I wish it could have been different but we all know we don't have control over everything...Somebody bigger out there looking after all of us and carries with them our best intentions. One thing I do believe is my love for you will help you grow in spirit, my dad needs a walking buddy and someday I know I will be walking with the two of you hand in hand rest assured! I am just going to choose to live with the thought that I was having my little baby Baden John Flom and if I am ever fortunate enough again to be with child I will be naming it after YOU.

Love, Mommy!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What's One Do When Pregnant? Go to a Birthing & Baby Expo :0)

Yeah Baby
Resources galore at the Twin Cities Birthing & Baby Expo today, that's where you'll find Baby & me, husband & 2 adorable girls. I'll take all the latest on what's out there...just wishing today was when the was there to speak guess we'll just have to go back tomorrow.
I want all the ins and outs of this blogging...I love writing might as well learn how to Write 4 Dollars, I have College funds to Build ok and Momma always needs a new pair of shoes, handbags, accessories, etc. etc. ;)))
Hopefully I can learn a few skills, skills are good! :0)
So far feeling remarkably wonderful no complaints on being pregnant at all...a little concerned with a little spotting I have but from what I read I guess it's normal for the first tri-mester but if it seems to not stop I will be phoning the doctor for precaution. Otherwise so far so good especially with a nap here and there.
Better get all the extra sleep in now I remember those wonderful wakenings in the middle of the night with the lamp on and it all pitch black outside....Best moments of being a new mom, when all is quiet and peaceful and the sounds were just of baby, Priceless memories and excited to experience them again...this time blogging all my memories for them never to be lost and only thoughts past. When I am old and gray, ok so I have a few (cough) gray hairs now, I want to be on my rocker in front of my lifes photos and my journals/blogs, and who knows what else will be invented by then, peacefully watching it all of course with my extended family all around and my facebook friends ;)))
Well gots to get the girls ready for swim practice and an Eventful Saturday!
Love, Mommy

Thursday, September 16, 2010

8 1/2 Weeks and Growing

Well reading this explains the little split second cramping I had last night..."Oh My Uterus" Just a Growth Spurt, Whew!
Girls started swimming this week for Minnetonka's Swim Team, an absolute rush of excitement...the girls swam like sharks. Had to admire the Parents and babies in the corner of the pool getting acquainted with the water...Hmmm, Might just have to do that next season while the girls are swimming. I have a feeling this baby is gonna love water as well! We are a family of splashing swimmers! So tonight is day 2 of team practice! Flippers were ordered last night! Look out Sharks!
Bought my first Maternity Top last night at Kohls looking forward to growing into it as well as the most comfortable goucho pants I now own both colors can't go wrong with Black & Brown...very versatile pants, yoga, walking, NIA, bus stop fashion I'm set hoping long socks and UGG's will take care of warming my legs in a few short weeks. Otherwise it's Velour Pants, hoping I can get by wearing the ones I own. Thinking if I just crouch them under the ever growing Belly I should be fine. Figure I can get a few leggings and I'll be good to go til Spring! Then it's post partum fitness to get back into a two piece! Might be a little harder this time around while I am enjoying the last year of my 30's. Arggghhh! Where the hell does the time go...I remember being in my 20's looking beautiful and young like it was yesterday! Well I just have to make the 40's the new 20's like I have choice...dammit just feels good to reassure myself. :0)
Well I'm off to complete cleaning, chores and get some miles in on this gray day! Definitely good nap weather!

Love, Mommy
Your baby's growth: Bone, joint, and limb development
She's about half an inch long, and by next week or so her head will become more rounded as the embryo begins to look more like a real baby.
Week eight is the time her body begins to fine-tune its bone, joint, and limb development, plus tiny finger and toe buds appear. She may someday use her hands to sculpt or perform surgery, but right now those hands are little nubs.
There are a lot of other things happening as well:
Eyelids are beginning to form.
Nose. The tip of your baby's nose is taking shape.
Blood. It’s beginning to flow through a rudimentary circulatory system.
Digestive tract continues to develop.
Gonads. They’re beginning to transform themselves into either testes or ovaries.
Ears. They’re developing both inside and out.
Elbows have just started to appear.
Vertebrae and ribs are beginning to grow.
Muscles and two layers of skin are forming.
What’s happening with you
New emotions. You may soon find yourself experiencing an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows as you feel excited one day and irritable the next. These mood swings may take you by surprise! But take comfort in knowing that this is a common pregnancy symptom, as hormone levels are fluctuating dramatically.
Breast enlargement and bigger waistline. Your pregnancy is starting to change your figure as well as your moods, as your breasts are enlarging and your waistline is starting to grow.
Cramping. Even though you may not be showing yet, your uterus has grown from about the size of a fist to as big as a grapefruit. As your uterus grows, it's normal to feel some cramping, discomfort, or tightening.
First doctor’s visit. You've probably scheduled your first office visit for a urine and blood test, baseline blood pressure evaluation, weight check, pelvic exam, Pap smear, and review of your family health history.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fisher Price Zen Collection Cradle Swing

Choices, Choices, Choices!

I love everything...Definitely makes it hard to decide...Maybe when we know the gender of baby it will become easier! If not for me maybe for Santa because we will be finding out in time to get him or her on Santa's List! :0) But my thoughts if it is a boy are leaning towards a baby boyscout theme, woodsy, nature, and I like this Zen I just have to shop for the best prices! Figure Zen could be a little awe-inspiring for my mom being her name is ZENta. I would be tickled blue for a boy so he can carry my Dad's name and Baden would be of German descent after my mom! Plus it would make for a nice family trip to Baden, Germany! So on my merry way to continue my search of cute baby items!

Love Mommy!
Fisher Price Zen Collection Cradle Swing

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bathing in Motherly Love

This week has been great...Girls off to 3rd and 4th grade and loving every minute of it....Kinda worried though Emily keeps saying "It Feels Like Camp" told her I am gonna have to follow the bus because I have to check if it is really "School" she is getting dropped off at. ;))) of course She laughed at that one! Some homework and reading and math facts have been the course of this weeks curriculum! I don't know if I will ever get past them saying their favorite subjects at school are Recess, Art, Music & Lunch! Love it!
Emily loves coming home everyday and now making it a routine to grab her guitar and start strumming while Breanna loves to come home and really shock the silence of the house and bang on the drums! But it's all Music to My Ears! Once they come up with their band name we will be putting it on the Drums! :0)
Excited for them beginning Minnetonka's Swim Team next week they will be Swimming Sharks!
Going over the Community Ed Program and looking good that they both will be in Clay Camp, Breanna will be in Chess, Emily will be signing into Minnetonka's Broadways Kids and Music Lessons for both...I love Full Schedules...Nothing like Growing & Glowing through it All!
Ok, Baby Talk now...I have to admit I have been supporting a few local Garage Sales and have been leaning towards buying baby boy stuff....I figure if my guess is wrong it will become a Great Ebay Lot but until then I either am right or just building a huge lot that hopefully I might come out ahead on. But who can resist seeing cute Baby Green Bay Packer stuff not me I figure that could be for either gender so safe there. But yesterday I did a little splurging on what only could be for a baby onsies and oh so cute hahaha! Oh and next Halloween baby is all set for wearing an adorable Little Puppy Black & White Polka Dot Outfit, Ears and Tails included. :0)
Can't leave out the Cutest Little Pair of Orange Newborn Baby Crocs...Love Them Just thought I'll just have to start taking Pics of all these...No better time than the present, Why Put off til Tomorrow What I Can Do Today! ;))
So in all Growing Efforts My Belly is Expanding and I Love it...I just love, love, love being Pregnant! The girls do to but express everyday "oh I can't wait and wish the baby was here now." In DUE time!
I am just looking forward to family pics around pumpkins, happy baby family yoga group pic, and playing Mrs. Santa Claus to name a few, I am not worried my creative mind will not miss a beat on magical picture moments. :0)

So with that said....TGIF

Love, Mommy

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day....No I'm Not in Labor! ;)))

This weekend for the first time we went out and looked at all the latest baby products to get an early idea of what is forthcoming. Babies R Us was a very good stop! The girls first impression and words when we walked in was "This is like Baby Land" hahaha yes indeed! I have to admit it was my first time in a store of its vast kind myself...I could have spent hours there...note to self when I plan to do that next time don't bring the husband. He really didn't have the same googoo gaagaaaing over everything like the girls and I. Guess he'll just have to change an extra diaper or 2. ;))

I simply was amazed by ALL of it! Can't wait to officially Go Baby Shopping!

The joy of having a baby 8 years after my last is We Saved Nothing. This is like having our first baby all over again...Ahhh the Newness can't wait to Smell it and What a bonus I have two of my girly best friends to enjoy all the shopping!

Sunday we scheduled our tour of the birthing unit

and all I got to say is WOW. It's like a 5 star hotel ok maybe not that expansive but Holy Baby the unit, birthing rooms, post-partum rooms and can't leave out their very own Spa Therapy Room for the husband and guests is Plush beyond thought! Nothing was Left Out when they Remodeled....I might just have to have another baby to experience it twice...Just Kidding!

I'll just record really well and when I want to remember my experience I'll just Press PLAY!

Lot's Cheaper! ;))

Well Happy "Labor" Day to You and All the Mommies Pushing Right Now in the World!!!